Tag Archives: Mary Magdalene

Gospel Reading For Tuesday, April 2, 2024 – Jn 20:11-18

Tuesday in the Octave of Easter .   Jn 20:11-18 11 But Mary stayed outside the tomb weeping. And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb  12 and saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the … Continue reading

Posted in Bible is Catholic, Catechesis, Catholic History, Catholic interest, Catholic Teaching, Early Church/Church History, gospel, Jesus, lectio divina, liturgy, mass, Scripture | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Gospel Reading For Monday, April 1, 2024 – Mt 28:8-15

Monday in the Octave of Easter . Mt 28:8-15 8 Then they went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to his disciples. 9 And behold, Jesus met them on their way and greeted them. They … Continue reading

Posted in Bible is Catholic, Catechesis, Catholic History, Catholic interest, Catholic Teaching, Early Church/Church History, gospel, Jesus, lectio divina, liturgy, mass, Scripture | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Gospel Reading For Friday, September 22, 2023 – Lk 8:1-3

. Lk 8:1-3 1 Afterward he journeyed from one town and village to another, preaching and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. Accompanying him were the Twelve 2 and some women who had been cured of evil spirits … Continue reading

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Gospel Reading For Saturday, July 22, 2023 – Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 M

. Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 1 On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. 2 So she ran … Continue reading

Posted in Bible is Catholic, Catechesis, Catholic History, Catholic interest, Catholic Teaching, Early Church/Church History, gospel, Jesus, liturgy, mass, Scripture | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Gospel Reading – John 20: 11-18

Gospel Reading – John 20: 11-18 Mary was standing outside near the tomb, weeping. Then, as she wept, she stooped to look inside, and saw two angels in white sitting where the body of Jesus had been, one at the … Continue reading

Posted in Catechesis, Catholic History, Catholic interest, Catholic Teaching, Devotions, lectio divina, liturgy, mass, Meditations, Prayer, Scripture | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment