Category Archives: Jesus, I trust in You


. If you have not heard of the Surrender Novena, check it out. Not just for converting loved ones – for EVERYTHING…  It is life changing…   May 21, 2024 PHOENIX Struggling to Share Your Faith? The Secret Weapon You … Continue reading

Posted in Devotions, Jesus, I trust in You, Novenas, Prayer | Tagged | Leave a comment

Heaven, Purgatory and Hell – Your Final Destination. NDE (Near-death experience) of Brian Hoyland

. Oct 6, 2022 This television program is about Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell. An integral part of this production shares the near-death experience of Brian Hoyland. We also discuss the lives of the saints (St. Gertrude, St. Padre Pio, St. … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, Catechesis, catechism, Catholic interest, Catholic Teaching, Jesus, Jesus, I trust in You, Prayer | Tagged | Leave a comment

Fr. Blount – Today’s Fallout of Satan’s 100 Year Reign

. Wow… Pray the Rosary… May 24, 2023 It is widely known that Pope Leo XIII had a powerful experience that involved the devil bragging to Jesus, that if the devil was given more power, he could destroy the Church. … Continue reading

Posted in Bishop Sheen, Catechesis, catechism, Catholic History, Catholic interest, Catholic Teaching, Contraception, Early Church/Church History, Eucharist, Jesus, I trust in You, liturgy, Mary, mass, Miracles, Prayer, Remembering God in the heat of battle, Scripture, Sin | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Jesus, I Trust In You – 3

. Jesus, I trust in You when You say, “Truly, truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life within you; he who eats my flesh … Continue reading

Posted in Apologetics, Bible is Catholic, Catechesis, Catholic History, Catholic interest, Catholic Teaching, Jesus, Jesus, I trust in You, Quotes | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Jesus I Trust In You – 2

. Jesus, I trust in You when You say, “This chalice which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.” Luke 22:20 .

Posted in Apologetics, Bible is Catholic, Catechesis, Catholic History, Catholic Teaching, Eucharist, Jesus, I trust in You, liturgy, mass, Prayer, Quotes, sacraments, Scripture | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Jesus I Trust In You – 1

. Jesus, I trust in You when You say, “This is My body, which is given for you.” Luke 22:19 .

Posted in Apologetics, Catechesis, Catholic History, Catholic Teaching, Early Church/Church History, Eucharist, Jesus, Jesus, I trust in You, Quotes, sacraments, Scripture | Tagged , , | Leave a comment